Welcome to the Computer Education Department
M's C Meldrum (Faculty Head)
Mrs L Hunter
Mr R Krachan
Mr R Don
Vital to the digital economy, Computing is an academic subject that teaches the higher order skills necessary for today’s world. Within the Computing department, we try to educate, engage and encourage our pupils so that they can go on to take a full and active part in society. We pride ourselves in helping young people to achieve the best that they can and our great results reflect this.
We have always supported new initiatives and offer national courses appropriate to various levels – from new Computing Science courses meeting the Curriculum for Excellence outcomes and experiences through to Intermediate 2 Computing, Higher Computing, Advanced Higher Computing, Intermediate 2 Information Systems and Higher Information Systems. We were pioneers in the introduction of the Science Baccalaureate to the school.
Computing skills are highly valued in many areas. Many of our pupils have gone on to study a wide variety of specialist courses available at universities such as Computer Science, Computer Games Design and Computer Security while many others have used their Computing qualifications to secure places on courses as diverse as dentistry, law, languages, mathematics, marine biology, medicine, and engineering.
Be part of Team Computing and acquire the knowledge and skills which will open doors for you.