Welcome to the Modern Languages Department
Mrs D. Reaper - Principal Teacher
Mrs E Seulin
Mr C McKeown
Miss E McNamara (NQT)
Within Harris Academy all pupils will study French, German or Spanish from S1 – S3 with the option to study an additional language from S3.
In S4 pupils who select a language/s will work towards National 4 and 5.
Higher and Advanced Higher are the progression routes in S5 and S6.
CfE Modern Languages National Courses (SQA website)
Key to all courses is the development of the skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking via a variety of relevant topics and media. Core to the teaching of Modern Languages within Harris Academy is the use of Active Learning strategies and ICT. Through learning a Modern Language pupils will develop their communication skills and confidence. Skills for Life, for Work and for Learning are key to Modern Languages classroom equipping them well for their future and becoming global citizens.