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Librarian: Mrs E Hunter


Our Library is situated at the heart of the school, in more ways than one! Pupils and staff can gain access to the Library for a variety of purposes: to read, to research, to engage in private study, to explore topics for projects and subjects on the curriculum, to use computers and internet applications and to explore careers opportunities

Harris Academy's Library is an area dedicated to supporting pupils and staff. Our aim is to encourage the enjoyment of reading, to provide resources and to support pupils and staff with their studies.

Mrs Hunter aims to provide a welcoming and motivating environment for pupils to study and work in.

Library Environment

The Library is open to all staff and pupils for work and study. Ask the Library staff for help and guidance on finding books and locating resources- we are here to help.

Help us make the Library a pleasant environment for everyone to use by:

  • Keeping the noise down: quiet talking only
  • Have all mobile devices switched to silent
  • No food or drink- except water


  • You are responsible for all books you borrow
  • Return/renew your books on time
  • Computers are used for study/homework only
  • Ask before printing                                               

Pupils have access to a wide range of regularly updated fiction and non fiction material and access to online reference material.

We have 30 networked computers and netbooks for whole class use or for individual study.

Pupils are encouraged to borrow books for reading at home and for class work.

Opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.00pm

Friday 8.30am - 3.00pm

Open every interval and lunchtime