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Currently S1 are taught Social Studies which is a combination of Geography, History and Modern Studies. This is for three periods per week and delivered by one subject teacher.

Term 1 - Exploring your Island , Industrial Revolution, Dundee

Term 2 –Causes of WW2 ,European Landscapes, European Union

Term 3 - Aid , Development and Ghana, Slavery .

The S2 return to discreet subjects and attend each for 1 period per week and are taught the following topics:

Wars of Independence

Cold War

Wild West

The S3 attend for three periods per week and are taught the following topics

Votes for Women

Mary Queen of Scots

Germany 1918-1939

National 5 meet 5 periods per week and are taught:

The Era of the Great War 1910-1928

Changing Britain , 1760-1900

Red Flag: Lenin and the Russian Revolution , 1894-1921.

Higher meet five periods per week and are taught:

Migration & Empire 1830-1939

The Making of Modern Britain, 1851–1951

USA 1918 – 1968

Advanced Higher

This is delivered from City Campus and a link teacher is available 1 period per week in school.

Soviet Union 1917-1953

CfE History National Courses (SQA website)