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CfE Maths National Courses (SQA website)


S1 pupils will study Curriculum for Excellence Maths Level 2, 3 or 4 depending on the level they achieved in primary.

S2-S3 Pupils continue to progress through Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes.

S4 Pupils study Maths or Lifeskills Maths at levels 3,4 or 5

S5/6 Depending on achievement in S4 pupils will be able to build on the Maths covered in S4 to gain qualifications in Maths, Lifeskills Maths, Higher Maths , AH Maths (S6 only) or AH Applied Maths (S6 only)



For all courses classes are tested regularly on blocks of work. These tests allow pupils the opportunity to reflect on their learning and plan the next steps in their studies. During S4 and S5 there are more formal unit tests which will be covered as part of the overall assessment for course awards.


All courses are supported by homework to give pupils the opportunity to assess their

progress regularly. It also gives teachers the chance to check on teaching and learning within their classes and parents an opportunity to check on their child’s progress. As well as homework exercises, it is important to read over notes taken in class and finish off work not completed in class.


In all Maths courses pupils are assessed in work with and without a calculator. In order to do the calculator questions it is important that all pupils have their own calculators and bring these to school each day. They are needed in other subjects as well as Maths.